McVickers Electrical Contractors

McVickers employ a highly skilled workforce of JIB operatives together with well qualified and proficient technical engineers. All operatives and Contracts Engineers hold ECS or affiliated site cards.

We have been a member of the Electrical Contractors Association since 1969 and the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting since 1972. In more recent years we have achieved the National Quality Assurance certification to BS EN ISO 9001:2015 and are currently registered with Constructionline & CHAS. In 2011 we achieved MCS certification and moved into the renewables market, to date we have installed solar PV to more than 600 homes across the North East and have completed numerous commercial type projects with a solar PV element.


Representing the best in electrical engineering and building services in the UK. McVickers are a registered member.


Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is a nationally recognised quality assurance scheme, supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change


Approved Contractors are assessed to the highest standard on an annual basis.


The common sense solution for both sides of the tender.

NQA_ISO9001 use from 2018_opt

ISO 9001 is the internationally recognised standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS). It is the most widely used QMS standard in the world, with over 1.1 million certificates issued to organizations in 178 countries.


The JIB sets the standards for employment, welfare, grading and apprentice training in the electrical contracting industry.


The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme.

What we do

Services & sectors

Arthur Holmes

Case study

Proud of our training history

McVickers apprenticeships

McVickers work with housing associations, builders, estate and facility managers to deliver quality electrical and energy solutions across the North East of England

We are one of the longest standing electrical contractors and open to tenders

Contact us on 01207 291700 to discuss a project or complete our enquiry form for more information on any of our services.